The 32nd Ludum Dare game jam has started this weekend and I am taking part!
I have followed the competition for a few years now, but have never felt good enough programming wise to take part - but this time I do and I’m going for it! For those that don’t know, the LD game jam is held 3 times a year and features a compo and a jam. A week before it starts, competitors vote on a large list of possible themes, with the winning one revealed at the start of the competition - 9pm American, which works out at 2am here!
The compo is a solo event of 48 hours where you must make everything yourself - the characters must be drawn by you, the music composed by you (random sound generators are allowed like Bfxr) and the actual game must be made by you (game engines such as Unity3D or GameMaker are allowed). The jam allows teams to enter and gives them 72 hours to create a game, they can also use existing assets such as music and graphics.
I will be using the Haxe programming language and the HaxeFlixel framework along with the FlashDevelop IDE. For graphics I will be using PyxelEdit and the OGMO title editor to create the tile map. Sound will be created with Bfxr and I will use Bosca Ceoil for music.
As this is my first time entering don’t expect great things from me in just 48 hours, I am new to Haxe as well so I will be learning as I go! Good luck to all those taking part!